About Wolf’s Head Capital LP

Providing Market Insights and Returns

About Us

Diversity creates innovative thinking. Wolf’s Head Capital Limited Partnership is a boutique firm with a diverse range of expertise—from technology to geology

Based in New England, Wolf’s Head’s ultimate goal is to generate alpha using a different approach than traditional firms. We believe in contrarian thinking to our core and are dedicated to creating a culture of continuous improvement, effective communication and learning from success and failure. 

We occasionally publish on this website with insights and ideas. We may or may not own securities that we recommend or do not recommend. We do not receive any compensation for any of our ideas or research that are published here. Everything published here is our thoughts and ideas. We do NOT recommend using our ideas for yourself, all notes written here are for education and enjoyment only. Contact a financial advisor before you make any investment decisions.

Our investments are only available to accredited investors and proceeding to our website beyond this page indicates that you, the reader, are an accredited investor and assume all risks if acting upon anything you may learn here. If you have any questions or interest in investing please reach out on our contact page.