Technical Reports

Providing Market Insights and Returns

Vision & Mission

  • To maximize value for our Limited Partners by identifying price inefficiencies in businesses facing an inflection point and ripe for value creation.
  • To generate superior, long-term investment returns for the partners. 
  • To create a culture of continuous improvement, effective communication and learning from success and failure. 
  • The long term vision is to grow the LP into a larger money management company with outside investors.
  • To grow a track record for outside investors. 
  • To learn first hand about investments and portfolio management.

Investment Philosophy

Wolf’s Head Capital Partners’ investment strategy will operate in a way that offers flexibility to maximize profit potential. Wolf’s Head may invest in a wide range of investment opportunities. These include but are not limited to long term equities, short term equities, Call options, Put options, fixed income, and ETFs. In addition, Wolf’s Head will invest in hedges that may help to outperform during a downturn. Inorder to make any investment we must have all general partners agree on the trade and there must be an investment proposal. In addition to having all general partners agreeing on the trade, every company that may be traded must be on the Advisement  List. The Advisement List is a list of all companies that Wolf’s Head may invest in and is visible to all partners. For a company to make it on to the Advisement List all general partners must agree. The Advisement List will act as a watch list and first step to making an investment. 

By following these guidelines it will help to ensure that we will purchase solid stocks and make smart decisions on when to buy and sell. These guidelines are meant to help the general partners to think twice about all their decisions, not be impulsive and not be too greedy.