Feeling Like Being Sober Sucks? 12 Tips for Feeling Better

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Feeling Like Being Sober Sucks? 12 Tips for Feeling Better

I may not desire spiritual or religious enlightenment, but YOU might. You may not have domestic problems, but I might. Standardized programs or systems serve a purpose—in the general sense.

  • Had you not cared about me, I never would have sobered up and wrote this.
  • The difference between then and now is that I have tools to get back to true freedom–where all the nonsense I am putting myself through mentally has no validity.
  • Just by following one of my strategies in Chapter #13 you will end up with $300 in the bank.
  • However, they can become problematic for many of us.
  • They would laugh at the goofy faces I would make, then they would offer me another swig.
  • When I first stopped drinking I couldn’t fathom the thought of making it 10 years.

Go to a 12-step meeting, find a sober group online, or call a sober friend who understands. Have a substance use disorder, for advice? I can’t be your cheerleader for 30 days https://ecosoberhouse.com/ just so you can celebrate day 31 by posting photos of mimosas on Instagram. Yes, I no longer have the option of using a substance to escape my feelings or problems.

Today I am Sober Vector PDF scalable 11×13 shirt art, Drug Recovery, Addiction Recovery Art

My mind realized , that I will never drink again. That’s when all hell broke loose and heartbreaking events began happening. Literally every aspect of my life , began falling apart. I had no idea of how dramatically my life was about to change. Regardless of whether youve been drinking for only a short time or for years, it is going to suck when you first sober up. Many things will improve in your life but some will not.

  • Maybe you will completely disagree with my techniques?
  • It didn’t taste that great, and every time I took a drink of beer I would burp and it would fizzle up my esophagus and give me a burning sensation inside my nose.
  • I quickly learned that life kept happening whether I drank through it or not.
  • They can feel overwhelming and like they will never end.
  • It’s a simple way of saying that I am responsible for all of the good and bad choices I have made.
  • Sobriety does not automatically come bearing happiness, friends and love.

I don’t care if YOU want to drink or do drugs. Everyone knows someone who needs to read this book. One drink at a time, over an extended period of time. They are detailed in the book Living Sober Sucks(notice my not so subtle sales pitch?). Now keep in mind that this is a Defense Attorney talking – the person who would use ANY excuse they could to get you out of being responsible for a crime. But don’t be discouraged by my words, life can improve and it can be better than you ever imagined.

Getting Sober Alone Sucks

From being outside sweaty, running around and playing with bugs in the mud, to laughing at farts and wrestling with your friends. There is such a calm presence with children because they haven’t yet been mentally affected by themselves. They don’t care about yesterday or tomorrow.

  • If you don’t pour alcohol into your own mouth you can’t get drunk.
  • One of the easiest ways to forget your own problems is to give back to people less fortunate than yourself.
  • I’m not trying to talk you out of quitting or into having a relapse.
  • I look at them and there’s a part of me that envies their ability to put down a drink, to enjoy alcohol responsibly without having it take over their lives.
  • This site is dedicated to those who want to stop drinking and live a normal life – sober.
  • I won’t bullshit you – this won’t be easy – in fact it’ll be real fucking hard – almost too hard at times.

I feel that one of my strongest attributes is my ability to accept that where I am today is a result of what I did yesterday. It’s a simple way of saying that I am responsible for all of the sobriety sucks good and bad choices I have made. It is a fact that other people, unforeseen circumstances and happenings affect our lives, but to steal a phrase, I believe that I reap what I’ve sown.